World Mental Health Day Interview with Paul MckennaToday is 'World Mental Health Day' I caught up with my very good friend Paul Mckenna at the weekend, we were at an amazing event called...
Break from Booze with HypnosisAlcohol consumption often builds up over time becoming a habit hard to break with will power alone. Alcohol can increase following a bereave
Forget The Flight - Focus on the FunFlying Anxiety - Hypnotherapy Durham Some of the work that I do is definitely seasonal, however people fly all the year round, and many suff
Ditch Diets - Lose Weight Stress FreeHow many diets have you tried? Yes you lose half a stone, and then you stop starving yourself, or being at war calorie counting and stick al
Say Enough is Enough to AnxietyAnxiety has many sub-categories:- Fears, Phobias, OCD, Shyness, and many others, according to Anxiety UK 15% of the British population